Friday, September 16, 2011

Writing Tip #2
I've learned a lot since joining twitter. One writing tip that has helped me is called the pomodoro technique for time management. It's very simple. Set the kitchen timer for 25 minutes and write. When the dinger dings, set the timer for 5 minutes and do something different. Get out of the chair, put clothes in the washer, whatever. But after 5 minutes, get back to writing for another 25 minutes. It works! I've been able to stay on task for 25 minutes at a time and progress through the first edit of my WIP. This technique will work for anything you have to do. The 5 minute break makes all the difference. Here's a picture of my son with his horse, Sparky, taken last August in our back pasture. It has nothing to do with writing, but I like it. :-)